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August 20, 2008


I love the airport and library photos! What lens do you use? (I'm assuming it was a wide angle?) You should post your photo recipe every once in awhile--I'm always curious how great photographers get their shots. (Ok, that's purely for my benefit and maybe you don't want to share your secrets!)

And thanks for the post the other day with the info--very helpful! My latest issue? Tackling manual mode with a lens that doesn't seem to want to go manual... fun. ;)

The pool is GORGEOUS!!!

Thanks Taco and Sarah! Sarah I have NO secrets. You'll be pleased to hear the butterfly ones are near sooc (straight out of camera) with the D70 (an old tired one at that). I use full manual exposure settings, but I almost never use manual focus! I will edit the post and add the stats for those photos, just not today...

Are those water stains on the ceiling of the airport lobby?

Yep, and I did not add those in photoshop...

Those butterfly shots are beautiful!

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